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Why You Should Choose to Have Your Next Session in Your Home

It hits me HARD at the same time, every time. It’s always just after gathered all my things, said my copious goodbyes to my dear friends, and walked out the front door. “MAN, I LOVE DOING THAT,” I think to myself, with the biggest smile on my face. I do a little skip-hop, put my things in the car and drive home, still thinking, “MAN. Wasn’t that just beautiful?”

Taylor Family In-Home Session

I scored adding Kurtis & Mel to my family when I married my husband, and I ADORE their entire family. Mel is warm and homey through and through, and it shows in the way interacts with her kids, the way she decorates, and especially how she runs her salon business. Kurtis is her perfect match – a patient father to their four energetic and curious kiddos, as well as a genius creative, fellow LoTR nerd, and kind soul. And their kids give THE BEST HUGS OF ALL TIME.